Sunday, January 4, 2009

Victoria's first bike


Couldn't resist putting this on the blog----thanks to the Grandparents for the $$'s to buy the gift. She's getting around on it really well now too. By the way, it even has a white basket with flowers (not pictured)--it was Cate's, not my idea to buy the basket!!!! :)
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Hougham Family XMAS 2008


Wow---we all got into the picture!
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Grandma Hougham`


Great Grandma Hougham to the kids!! Thanks for the family ornaments!
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Beautiful Women!!


Who doesn't like hanging out these ladies?!! I thanked a buddy on the cycling team for inviting us to the his New Year's Day party and he say no--thank you! You were invited NOT for your company---but for Cate's, Victoria's and Rebekah's company!!
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Tea Party at Uncle Bud's


Who doesn't love a good tea party with their granddaughter?!!
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Cate's and My Family--2008 XMAS


It's hard to believe how big everybody is getting! My challenge to the kids for 2009---is to ask at least one good question everyday!! My coach tells me "the answers are in the questions". How true---we've got one mouth and two ears----use your ears man!!
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My Family


One of the best pics we had!! We all smiled and nobody pinched each other!!
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Figlio's Brunch


One of Cate's and my favorite restaurants in KC is Figlio's. They've got a killer brunch that the whole family takes in at Christmas time. They've got private dining rooms now---and of course----Cate and I got the hook up on the room!! Thanks for picking up the tab Dad! You're the best!
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XMAS at Lisa's (Lawrence)


Pictured are sister Carissa, Clint, Lisa and Lori (cousins since we've known them since we were born--parents met in mid 60's and started vacationing, hunting and fishing), myself and brother Brad. Don't mess with my brother---he's studying in Jui Jit Su, can ride a bike like a stud and has arms as big as my legs!! And I've got HUGE legs!!
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Uncle Bud's shooting gallery!


Keeping warm means a good fire and strategically parking three trucks on the northwest side of us to block the wind in Kansas!! Pictured are Zach (second cousin), brother Brad, Uncle Bud (Dad's older brother), me and Rawson, Max (second cousin to my left), Nathan (nephew in foreground) and brother in law Chris.

By the way-our stud brother in law Chris is a Drill Sargent in the US Army at Fort Benning. He's served 2 tours in Iraq, and tours in S. Korea and Kosova!!
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Rawson and I with the Marlin .22 lever action rifle


Rawson loves doing what the big guys do. I remember hanging with my Uncle's and older cousins doing the same thing at my late Grandfather's house in Olathe, Ks. I recall up to 20 men shooting at clay penguins for target practice. Annual pheasant and quail hunts were a big deal to the family. Rawson will probably be able to start walking fields with us in a couple more years. He's almost 5 and probably needs to be about 8 to hang with us.
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Meet Dad's 357 Smith and Wesson


My future daughter's boyfriends's will be given this picture as evidence I can shoot the bull's eye with a 357 Smith and Wesson at 60 feet away. Not a bad cluster on this round. The next round I shot was with the magnum loads and about knocked my socks off----that round is NOT pictured here! I did shoot another round---much better that time---nailed the bull eye's perfectly clean too!!!! Yes that's a long barrel----8 inches!!
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